utorak, 24. studenoga 2015.

PRP treatment method - Use your own blood

Use of one's own blood in therapeutic purposes has been a known medical practice for more than 100 years.

Today it is used in surgery for healing, treating sport injuries, aesthetic-corrective purposes and other. The future of regeneration and rejuvenation lies in one's own blood and fat tissue. There is nothing better or safer then one's own tissue. There is no risk of infection and these are the methods that give the most natural look. PRP cell therapy is an abbreviation from PLASMA RICH PLATELET which means that the purified and enriched part of blood (plasma) is used. The goal is to isolate the most valuable blood ingredients: growth factors and stem cells which have a strong rejuvenating and skin renewal effect.  The greatest advantage of this treatment is that at the same time you are correcting the larger number of aesthetic irregularities with an enormous savings. This is a 100% natural treatment. Dermaroller – 500 KN (if desired, minor skin damages are done with a dermaroller so that the growth factors can penetrate deeper into the skin in purpose of a stronger rejuvenation effect).

Treatment description

No preparation is needed, initially only a smaller amount of blood is taken (similar to the amount for laboratory tests). Then the blood is prepared and the liquid part called plasma is separated from the cell part. Plasma is then mixed with an anesthetic (so the treatment is painless) and is injected into the skin with the tinniest of needles which do not leave needle marks. The treatment takes about 45 minutes; from the blood being taken out, blood preparation and until the treatment itself. If desired, during the treatment a dermaroller can be used to make small superficial damages so that the growth factor and stem cells can penetrate the skin to improve the results. Dermaroller treatment is painless and harmless. After that a mask with growth factors, which additionally stimulates the rejuvenation effect, is applied to make the skin smooth, gentle and soft.

To whom do we recommend this treatment?

To people who do not want invasive, aggressive treatments and an unnatural look. Consult with people who desire a natural look and to keep their youthful look without the use of foreign bodies. The goal of this treatment is to make you look fresh and rested like you did 10 years ago, and to remove the tired and lifeless facial look while correcting other aesthetic irregularities and rejuvenating the neck, decollete and fists. It is crucial that you are not in hurry to see the results because they improve with time which suits individuals who prefer gradual and not immediate changes. Also you will be deprived from questioning because you will keep your natural look.

Which body parts are treated?

Whole face or certain parts of it along with the neck, decollete and fists simultaneously or in separate treatments.

 How does this treatment work?

Isolated growth factors and stem cells have a specially strong rejuvenating effect because they compensate for the lost volume, create new collagen, reduce wrinkles, induce renewal and removal of damaged tissue. Metabolism speeds up and skin becomes fresher and glows. The goal is to stimulate natural regeneration processes and to make use of your own strength. Stem cells turn into collagen which is of crucial importance for top results. The organism receives everything needed for rejuvenation and regeneration. The treatment induces a cascade reaction which speeds up in time and intensifies, which is the reason why the results are not visible immediately but with time as they progress. The treatment has a superficial and a deep effect on one's skin.

When are the first results visible?

Usually first results are visible 30 days after the treatment and they progress through the following months. You look better each day and every second counts. The reason is that a certain amount of time is needed to provoke natural regeneration processes which speed up in time.

To whom do we not recommend this treatment?


  •  pregnant women
  • to people with allergies to anesthetics
  • to people with high blood pressure
  • people with unrealistic expectations
  • to people on therapies against coagulation of blood
  • heart patients
  • people who wish immediate results
  • people wit autoimmune diseases 

What are the side effects?

There are almost no side effects apart from occasional bruising that is easily covered up by facial powder. Minor short-term swelling is possible which is usually not as accentuated.

How long does the effect of the treatment last?

According to the manufacturer's manual the effect lasts for up to 18 months depending on skin quality, life habits, skin damages and area i.e. type of treatment application. It is not possible to correctly predict the duration of the results. 1 maintenance treatment every 18-36 months is advised so that the results would last longer. There is no dependency after the final treatment or deterioration of one's condition.

Is recovery needed after the treatment?

1 recovery day is advises although most people return to work immediately after the treatment. Minor swelling is possible and it usually lasts 1-3 days. You can apply facial powder one day after the treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

Usually, unless we are dealing with strongly accentuated changes, only one treatment is needed. 1-2 treatments can be performed after the initial one if there are indications that you will react poorly or if you want maximum results. 1-3 months must pass before you can decide if you want another treatment.

What can be treated?


  • eyebrow and eyelid lifting
  • shaping and augmentation of lips
  • wrinkle reduction
  • facial shaping
  • facial volume compensation
  • rejuvenation of fists, neck and decollete
  • reduction of scars especially from acne
  • reduction of eye circles and tear-throughs
  • method of choice for rejuvenating the area around one's eyes
  • removal of dark pigmentation caused by eye circles
  • cheek augmentation and shaping
  • skin rejuvenation
  • reduction of the dewlap
  • correction of the bags under one's eyes 

What can be treated?

Before the procedure, priorities are determined. If desired and if there is enough plasma left certain body and facial parts are treated. With the small dosage of 4ml you can treat half of your face or if desired your neck, fists and decollete. If using a larger 8ml dose the whole face can be treated or if desired half of the face with fists, decollete or neck.

What is the difference between a filler and a PRP treatment?

Fillers are basically hyaluronic acid, structural skin material, and are used to compensate for the volume, reduce wrinkles and develop new collagen. Fillers are advised to people who wish immediate results. Lately a combination of fillers and a PRP treatment has become a trend because it extends the duration of the filler. PRP has a significantly wider and larger effect such as healing and regeneration. The greatest difference is that PRP is a bioactive material which strongly affects the metabolism with a strong rejuvenation effect and skin regeneration

1 komentar:

  1. Great post, thank you for sharing this with us! If you are looking more information about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment than Visit here to get more details.
